Redwing is focused on Healthcare Performance.
We provide a range of Informatics products and services, which help to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
Redwing helps Healthcare organisations save money and achieve better patient care.
The founders of Redwing have delivered systems for thirty years, worked in business intelligence for the last twenty, and have focused on Healthcare for the last ten years.
We’ve worked in the following parts of the NHS:
- Acute Hospital
- Mental Health Trust
- Primary Care Trust
- NHS England
- Community Health Trust
- Partnership Trust
- Ambulance Service
- Clinical Commissioning Group
We’ve embedded with Theatre nursing staff, spent much time in Accident and Emergency, talked with patients and staff on the ward, been on Ward Rounds, sat with Crisis Team liaison people as they dealt with incoming calls, had many long conversations and discussions with clinicians of all grades, and served on Executive Management Teams.
We created our services based on the real needs of front line staff and we put patients at the heart of everything we do.
Our intent is simple; we want to provide the information that clinicians and managers need to Know How We Are Doing.
With that information, effective action can be taken, to create a virtuous circle of continuous improvement.