Patient Safety  –  Incident Analysis


“Serious mistakes by hospital staff that put patients at risk are on the rise, despite the government’s drive since the Mid Staffs scandal to make care safer, official NHS figures reveal.”
The Guardian (12-Dec-2016)

The Mid-Staffs débâcle was a catastrophe. The Berwick report published in August 2013 made a promise to learn, alongside making a commitment to act to improve patient safety.

We understand how to improve patient safety. We recognise that we need to:

  • Look at our organisations as a whole
  • Identify where we need to improve . . . as well as identifying areas of best practice from which we can learn
  • Put focus on the least-well performing areas
  • Understand what actually happened
  • Address the problem issues
  • Repeat the cycle

This is classic continuous improvement best typified by the Deming cycle of Plan-Do-Study-Act.

However, there was a huge gap in the cycle. The ability to perform deep analysis of the data across the organisation did not exist. There wasn’t a mechanism to analyse the data, to mine it, to create trends and predictions from it, and to measure actual improvements as they were delivered. Hence the compelling impetus to create this service, to address that desperate need.

At that time Redwing was working with Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, assisting them in the creation of a greenfield Business Intelligence programme. Patient safety was a central part of that work. We saw a huge database gathering dust. It was available and ready for mining. We extracted the data and fed it into the Redwing Data Warehouse ready for reporting. Later we took what we had learned, created powerful algorithms and analytics, and expanded it into a Cloud Service called Rapid Analysis of Events, or RAVEN for short.  Managers and executives can Know How We're Doing.

More recently, at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Redwing is providing a full implementation of RAVEN. This is part of our creation of a total greenfield Business Intelligence programme for the Trust.

We couldn't have done all this alone, of course. We gained Executive support, worked with the clinicians, spent time on the wards, had many workshops with clinical staff who work directly with patients, worked with Information Governance and the other stakeholders.

We used Evolutionary Development Methodology® to deliver the system in an incremental and iterative manner, fixing our mistakes as we went. To wrap it all up, we worked with management to ensure that RAVEN reporting is comprehensive, accurate, and precisely as required.

RAVEN is available today

to all organisations, via the goverment G-Cloud

See it on G-Cloud

“But we have Datix . . .”

Datix is the pre-eminent incident logging tool in use in the NHS today.  It’s a fine piece of software.  It does three things very well:

  • It’s great for recording incidents.
  • It leads you though case management of the incident.
  • It supports Root Cause Analysis of an incident.

We see Datix as a super tool for managing the raw data of the individual incident.

However, our stock-in-trade is business intelligence, the art and science of turning masses of raw data into nuggets of actionable information, and then providing decision-makers with those nuggets, so that they can use them to improve the way things are done.

We saw the very real potential in all that data, and thus . . . RAVEN.

RAVEN does not overlap or compete with Datix; it extends Datix with powerful analytics.

Datix is a registered trademark of Datix Limited

Raven provides the information that NHS Trusts need to improve patient safety, enhance quality care and enrich integrated governance.

RAVEN was developed in close collaboration with senior NHS managers. It delivers the analytics needed to analyse, understand, and take effective action on: Incidents and Adverse Events; Claims; Compliments and Complaints.

Raven benefits:

  • NHS Directors with comprehensive reporting
  • Clinical and management staff in the delivery units with focused analytics
  • Patient Safety and Quality units with understanding of both problem areas and areas of best practice

Raven delivers these specific benefits:

  • Makes patients safer
  • Helps Trusts perform better, supports patient safety strategy
  • Easy to use . . . easy to demonstrate and prove the concept
  • Zero administration, no infrastructure and no support costs
  • Zero delay in benefits realisation
  • Improves performance through actionable information
  • Can lead to lower insurance premiums
  • Fully automated - big savings in staff time
  • Integrated with Redwing Data Warehouse and other Redwing Analytics

RAVEN is available today

to all organisations, via the goverment G-Cloud

See it on G-Cloud

“But we have Datix . . .”

Datix is the pre-eminent incident logging tool in use in the NHS today.  It’s a fine piece of software.  It does three things very well:

  • It’s great for recording incidents.
  • It leads you though case management of the incident.
  • It supports Root Cause Analysis of an incident.

We see Datix as a super tool for managing the raw data of the individual incident.

However, our stock-in-trade is business intelligence, the art and science of turning masses of raw data into nuggets of actionable information, and then providing decision-makers with those nuggets, so that they can use them to improve the way things are done.

We saw the very real potential in all that data, and thus . . . RAVEN.

RAVEN does not overlap or compete with Datix; it extends Datix with powerful analytics.

Datix is a registered trademark of Datix Limited

Raven provides the information that NHS Trusts need to improve patient safety, enhance quality care and enrich integrated governance.

RAVEN was developed in close collaboration with senior NHS managers. It delivers the analytics needed to analyse, understand, and take effective action on: Incidents and Adverse Events; Claims; Compliments and Complaints.

Raven is based on:

  • A robust infrastructure based on Microsoft SQL Server
  • Tried and tested application software
  • Fully controlled data (ICO Data Controller since 2013)

Raven delivers these specific features:

  • Powerful analytics
  • Many ways to slice and dice the data
  • Near-real-time (as of last night) reporting
  • Mixed graphical and tabular reporting with drill-down
  • Includes delivery on Tablets
  • Web-based delivery
  • Historical analysis, trends, and future projections
  • Includes Board reports
  • Silver service includes customisation
  • Gold service includes customisation and interactive floor plan

RAVEN is available today

to all organisations, via the goverment G-Cloud

See it on G-Cloud

“But we have Datix . . .”

Datix is the pre-eminent incident logging tool in use in the NHS today.  It’s a fine piece of software.  It does three things very well:

  • It’s great for recording incidents.
  • It leads you though case management of the incident.
  • It supports Root Cause Analysis of an incident.

We see Datix as a super tool for managing the raw data of the individual incident.

However, our stock-in-trade is business intelligence, the art and science of turning masses of raw data into nuggets of actionable information, and then providing decision-makers with those nuggets, so that they can use them to improve the way things are done.

We saw the very real potential in all that data, and thus . . . RAVEN.

RAVEN does not overlap or compete with Datix; it extends Datix with powerful analytics.

Datix is a registered trademark of Datix Limited

Service  Level

The availability service level for Raven is 99.7% during standard business hours, with a mean time to recover of 4 hours.  The service is provided using compute and storage technologies residing in a Tier 3 data centre.

GOLD Service Level

Here, the SILVER Service Level is augmented with the Interactive Floor Map.  The Trust supplies Redwing with floor map(s) of the Trust Buildings, and Redwing turns these passive documents into live, fully interactive screens that show issues and hotspots via a series of analytical views.  The data may be cut by date, severity, and a wide variety of other ways to slice the information.

The Interactive Floor Map will even show predictions of where issues and challenges are likely to arise, using Raven’s predictive analytics capability.

The GOLD level includes an additional 10 days consulting as standard.  For Service Level Gold, the fee is 99p per newly recorded event e.g. incident, communication, claim etc.

SILVER Service Level

Here, the BRONZE Service Level is augmented with up to 10 days consulting for Trust reporting customisation as desired.  Additional consulting days may be purchased according to the Rate Card. For Service Level Silver, the fee is 93p per newly recorded event.

BRONZE Service Level

Implementation of Raven comes with the following features as standard:

  • Training for Raven information consumers
  • Support and consulting to Trust technical staff regarding system interfaces and extract/transport implementation
  • Provision of a ‘pizza-box’ 1U server to extract the relevant information from the on‑premise source system, and to store it in a local SQL Server database in encrypted format, ready for transport to the Redwing servers.

This local database is transparently available to authorised Trust staff; read-only provision is made for Trust staff to inspect and validate the data to be transport as required by the Trust.  No data is transported except that contained within this open database. For Service Level Bronze, the fee is 76p per newly recorded event.

RAVEN is available today

to all organisations, via the goverment G-Cloud

See it on G-Cloud

“But we have Datix . . .”

Datix is the pre-eminent incident logging tool in use in the NHS today.  It’s a fine piece of software.  It does three things very well:

  • It’s great for recording incidents.
  • It leads you though case management of the incident.
  • It supports Root Cause Analysis of an incident.

We see Datix as a super tool for managing the raw data of the individual incident.

However, our stock-in-trade is business intelligence, the art and science of turning masses of raw data into nuggets of actionable information, and then providing decision-makers with those nuggets, so that they can use them to improve the way things are done.

We saw the very real potential in all that data, and thus . . . RAVEN.

RAVEN does not overlap or compete with Datix; it extends Datix with powerful analytics.

Datix is a registered trademark of Datix Limited

Crown Commercial Supplier | Company number 7379498 | Registered Data Controller ZA023839 | VAT number 198 3241 80