Blog Archives

Operating Theatres #1 – Setting the Scene

What makes a productive operating theatre? What constitutes quality in a theatres setting? How do we make theatres financially efficient? How can we improve safety in theatres?

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NHS Innovation Agency North West Coast

Last Friday, 4 May 2018, Donna visited the NHS Innovation Agency North West Coast, (formerly AHSN NW). She met with members of the North West Coast Patient Safety Collaborative to explain how Redwing’s Raven Cloud Services supports Continuous Improvement via

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The Future of Operating Theatres Conference

Hello folks, We’ve been exhibiting at The Future of Operating Theatres in London, and we’re really pleased by the feedback we’ve had.  Thanks to Heart of England, NHS Scotland, Frimley, Poole, Shrewsbury and Telford for the interest and opportunity to

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Brand new website!

Hi everyone! This is our new website, designed and built by the good people at Cyberfrog Design. We think they’ve done a great job . . . what do you think?

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